James Luterek

James Luterek

James Luterek has a wealth of knowledge and decades of technical and leadership experience with numerous composable projects under his belt, especially commercetools implementaions.
Product data by Francesca Grima

Product Data Flows in Composable Commerce

Products are the lifeblood of any commerce operation. Without them, there's nothing to sell and no reason for customers to interact with a brand. Product data is a key part of the Aries Composable Confidence Assessment where our professionals will take a deep dive into a specific business. However, here are some high-level items that are consistent across a composable architecture.
backend for frontend by Vardan Papikyan

Backend For Frontend Layers: Your BFFs

An Aries client recently decided to tackle BFF (Backend For Frontend) layers, how they should be implemented, and which best practices should be followed in a composable implementation. Our CTO, Tim Steele, provided an impressive workshop diving into the details, edge cases, and best practices tying it all directly to this specific project. While it’s impossible to capture the immense value this workshop provided in a blog post, I’d like to showcase some of the highlights.