Aries Labs


Open Source commercetools

Aries Labs is a collection of open-source commercetools custom applications and microservices we released under the AGPL-3.0 license. These projects are useful applications we’ve developed and used at Aries. We are sharing them with you to use as a reference or to leverage directly for your project.

Our goals at Aries Labs are to:

  • speed up your composable projects with pre-built solutions for common requirements.
  • reduce the time and cost of your composable implementation with free, open-source software.
  • provide real-world examples of composable solutions from our experienced team.
  • collaborate on code, ideas, and features with the composable community – improving composable for everyone!
Aries labs

Need Help?

Do you need help getting started with commercetools or composable commerce? Do you have questions about the Aries Labs projects? We are here with answers!


Open Source Projects

Aries Labs is continually expanding its open-source projects. Our extensive experience implementing commercetools and composable commerce means we are always building repeatable ways to make any project faster and more predictable. As we build components that are helpful to us, we share them so they can help you too.

Custom Objects Editor

If you are using commercetools Custom Objects for your project, the Custom Objects Editor is a Merchant Center extension for creating, updating, and removing custom object data from your project.

This extension lets administrators use and manage commercetools custom objects without requiring developers.

Custom Objects screen

Inventory Service

open source inventory service

If you need to manage in-store and online inventory in a high-throughput environment, our Inventory Service connects to Google’s Cloud Spanner to provide streamlined SKU availability.

This open-source service provides high-availability, near-real-time omnichannel inventory for ecommerce.